Shih-Fang Lo and Julia Yang
is a profit side and a responsible side to any business, and the two factors
have to be balanced. With the threat of global warming and environmental
deterioration, the government policy on environmental protection remains active
from the last century worldwide.
Business will face more strict restrictions on energy uses and business
process in the natural resources constrained society. Governments’ environmental and energy
policies are stimulating grand new industries, such as energy efficiency
industry, new and renewable energy industry, and new services. The policy
trends have not only created green new industry, but also brought growing green
investment opportunity. This article
therefore aims to investigate what’s been happening in green finance and its
Green Finance Starts from Corporate Responsibility
financial scandals such as subprime mortgage crisis have emphasized the need
for greater transparency and accountability.
A more humane, ethical, and transparent way of doing business is
therefore broadly discussed. Take the term ‘corporate responsibility’ for example,
the classical view from the shareholder approach is that the social
responsibility of a business is to increase its profits and value for its
owner. However, the stakeholder approach
points out that business is not only accountable to its shareholders, but should
also consider stakeholder interests which may affect or may be affected by the
operations or objectives of a business. It is gradually extended to ‘corporate
sustainability’ defined as a business approach that creates long-term
shareholder value by embracing opportunities and managing risk from three
dimensions: economic, environmental, and
social dimensions. A sustainable company is one whose characteristics and
actions are designed to lead to a ‘sustainable future state,’ such as value
creation, environmental management, and human capital management, etc.