
Monday, December 16, 2019

Creating Branding Events to Facilitate Sports Tourism: New Taipei City Wan Jin Shi Marathon

 APEC Sports Newsletter editorial group

In recent years, hosting international sports events has become a goal to pursuit
for many economies. In addition to raising the level of competitive sports, there
are many other benefits, including demonstrating political stability, marketing city
special traits, increasing sports participation for citizens, improving infrastructure,
and other non-economic benefits. Furthermore, hosting these events also leads
to economic benefits such as increasing consumer spending and employment

Sports tourism is the current trend on the global stage; combining tourism and
sports creates a synergy with added values and brings in a fuller development of
the industry as well as the maximization of relevant benefits. It is the becoming
in many economies, Chinese Taipei included; by sponsoring numerous sports
competitions and events each year, the government is able to provide regulatory
guidance and a new option of touring for sports. The Sports Administration
organized 100+ sports events each year and achieved outstanding results in terms
of number of viewers, sales of sports lottery tickets and the level of competition. In
2018, 130 international sports events were organized. These sports events attracted
800,000 onsite spectators, over 100 million broadcast viewers, 13,000 volunteers
and 18,000 foreign athletes, showing the wide appeal of sports competitions.

The New Taipei City Wan Jin Shi Marathon, the only IAAF Silver Label
Road Race in Taiwan, was held on March 17, 2019, at Feicui Bay, Wanli, New
Taipei City. The Sports Administration has cooperated closely with New Taipei
City Government to make this event our own international branding sports event
by inviting higher level of international elite runners, increasing the number of
medical aid stations and organizing 4 hours of live broadcast, as well as developing
peripheral cultural and creative products. The Marathon is not just a sports event; it
combines local tourism, art and, cultural and creative industries to bring substantial
economic value to Wanli, Jinshan and Shimen districts. This year’s event attracted
more than 11,000 runners, with almost 350 foreign runners from 29 economies.

New Taipei City Wan Jin Shi Marathon has become a benchmark road race
event. In future, the Sports Administration will continue to assist this event to gain
higher level IAAF certification; more marketing, tourism and other resources will
also be committed to make this international event our own exclusive brand with
the aims of driving local sports tourism and marketing our imagery to the world.
In addition, the Sports Administration will continue to play the role of provider
of home advantage for athletes, and hopes that, through organizing international
sports events, our international profile, competitive level and the popularity of sport
viewing, could be raised.

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